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Director | Hui-Chen Huang

Hui-Chen is an activist, documentary filmmaker, and a full time mom. Prior to embarking on her first feature doc, Hui-Chen worked for NGOs such as the Taiwan International Workers Association, China Time’s Trade Union and the Taipei Documentary worker's Union as Secretary General, advocating for labor rights and social justice. It was during this time that she began documenting the plight of the disadvantaged and the voiceless. Her intimate profiles of the less fortunate and the exploited became tools used for social change.


曾任台北金馬影展執行委員會主席,金馬電影學院創始人。曾以《悲情城市》榮獲威尼斯影展金獅獎,《童年往事》、《戲夢人生》也分別獲柏林影展影評人費比西獎、坎城影展評審團等大獎。並於2016年以《刺客 聶隱娘》獲得坎城影展最佳導演獎。

Executive Producer | Hou Hsiao-Hsien

The powerful and unique filmmaking of HOU Hsiao-Hsien ''a cineaste of fragments and memories, emotions and sensations'' has attracted the attention of filmmakers, critics, and audiences worldwide. Most recently, HOU won Best Director at Cannes for The Assasin.


Producer | Diana Chiawen Lee 

Diana Chiawen Lee has ended her participation in the international and domestic distribution works of Small Talk by mid- 2017.

攝影 | 林鼎傑 


Cinematographer | Ting-chieh Lin 

Che is an independent media maker and activist. In addition to Small Talk, he regularly produced and shot for Hong Kong’s SunTV and Daai TV, as well as was a part of the award-winning documentary Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above. Lin is the recipient of the Taiwan Labor Film Awards, and Golden Tripod Award for his work in cinematography and photography. His works have shown on Voice of America, NHK, and several international outlets.


In addition to filmmaking and photography, Lin is a dedicated environmentalist who represented Taiwan at the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, as well as an active founding member behind the preservation movement around military dependent’s village in Taipei, Taiwan. Born in Tainan, Taiwan in 1981, Che has a BA in engineering and a Masters in Environmental Studies.



Editor | Jessica WanYu Lin

Lin is an independent filmmaker born in 1984, Taipei, Taiwan. She's working on various documentaries and video art projects. She often collaborates with sound art performers, choreographers, and theatre workers, including Shu-Yi and dancers, Very Mainstream Studio, and Kandala Records. She is particularly interested in arts and culture of minority groups and of the marginalized, as well as of different values of living. SMALL TALK is Lin's first feature doc as editor.  



Editorial Consultant | Chen-Ching Lei


After graduating from the Audiovisual Program of the Department of Theatre Arts of Chinese Culture University, Lei entered the C.M.P.C. Studio in 1989 where she began from working as an editing assistant. After sixteen years working in the studio and experienced the transition from traditional film strips to digital editing era, Lei left the Central Motion Picture Corporation and started working as a freelancer. Meanwhile, she also teaches film editing at the National Taiwan University of Arts and the Taipei National University of the Arts. 

She has edited for more than 40 works, and known for her work on He liou (1997), Help Me Eros (2008), 

Stray Dogs (2013), Journey to the West (2014) and Cloudy (2017) .



Composer | LIM Giong

Born in 1964, Lim Giong is renowned Taiwanese musician. His first album, “Marching Forward,” debuted in 1990 to critical success. For the next decade, Lim actively worked as singer, composer, DJ and producer. He also appeared in several films by respected director Hou Hsiao-Hsien, which pulled him into the world of cinema. After founding his studio in 2000, Lim began scoring for films and working with luminaries, such as Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Jia Zhangke, as well as emerging filmmakers. In addition to award winning film scores, he continues to present his unique music styles by combining image and sound through diverse art forms, such as installation, performance, etc.


1990年開始學習唱盤技術,前重傷害、潑猴樂團DJ,赴日本參與多場音樂祭,並受邀至日本Reflash音樂祭演出。2005年首長個人創作專輯 “Point”涉足東西方之間的神秘與視野,混合超現實電氣與純植物享受,並邀及王宏恩與阿弟仔二位金曲獎得主合作,將北管樂劇重新分解並創新融合,勾勒出電子樂與提阿萬傳統戲曲的未來性。



Point began turn tabling in 1990, and performed in many music festivals, included being invited to perform at the Reflash Music Festival in Japan. Point released his first self-titled solo album in 2005, fusing the mysteriousness and vastness of East and West musical styles, creating a unique eclectic sound. Point also collaborated with Golden Melody Award winners Biung and Adia, using traditional Chinese instruments to create complete new electronic sounds.


苗栗客家人,熱愛賴在沙發聆聽、蒐集、記錄、分析陌生人的小故事,隨時都在衝擊腦中的小哲學,對於生活有千萬個新點子在打轉,總迫不及待想讓它們通通都實現, 自高中求 學的日子不斷地擺盪在鄉村與都市這兩個截然不同畫面中,越走越遠,終究來到了台北,卻想著山城夜雨。不斷地學習新語言,打破自己,再建立起新的連結,跟移工有幾分相似,所以對於移工議題、種族議題、以及社會科學特別有興趣。曾任四方報田野記者。

Production Assistant | Wei-huan (Ryder) Hsu

Ryder is curious about the stories of strangers. He enjoys listening, watching, dissecting and collecting information in order to stimulate his mind. He loves making connections with people and working in new environments; therefore, Ryder is particularly drawn to topics around migrant workers, ethnicities, and societies. With a million ideas swarming in his head, Ryder can’t wait to realize them. In the process of realizing his ideas, Ryder is learning to gain a better sense of self.



Production Assistant | Wei-hua (Paula) Tu

Wei-hua is an apprentice in the study of humanity, and because she cares deeply about gender issues, she joined the production of Small Talk. She enjoys words and images, and hopes that we can live freely and honestly (but that’s currently not the case). She also wishes that we could be compassionate and fearless (but that’s also not the case). Wei-hua was an assistant researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, a secretary at the Taipei Documentary Filmmakers’ Union. Born in 1993, Wei-hua is currently a graduate student.

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